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Donate Appreciated Stock, Securities or Other Appreciated Assets

How to give appreciated stock to Center for Safety & Change

To complete your stock donation please transfer your shares to our brokerage account listed below:

Name of receiving firm: Pershing LLC
DTC no of receiving firm: 0443
Account name: Center for Safety & Change, Inc.
Account number: # 5W8094976

Please include stock description and amount of shares and CUSIP/symbol.

Contact with any questions, or call (845) 634-3391.

Giving appreciated securities (shares of common stock or units of mutual funds) provides tax benefits to you and direct support to Center for Safety & Change.

The gift is fully tax deductible for the full value on the date the gift is completed.

By giving the appreciated securities directly to Center for Safety & Change instead of selling them first, capital gains taxes, that would be due if the donor owned the securities for one or more years , are avoided. Be sure to sign over the securities to Center for Safety & Change directly; do not sell them first.

Appreciated securities are those that are worth more today than when they were acquired. Capital gains are the difference between the current value and the value it had when acquired. When selling appreciated securities that have been held for at least one-year, federal taxes are due on the capital gains, and many states also charge capital gains taxes.


For example, Donor A owns 700 shares of a publicly traded stock that is currently trading at $100 per share, and purchased for $10 per share some years ago:

If Donor A sells this stock and gives the proceeds to Center for Safety & Change at their current tax rate, they would pay $9,450 in capital gains tax on their $63,000 profit and would be able to make a tax-deductible gift of $60,550.

If Donor A transfers these shares directly to Center for Safety & Change, a tax-exempt charitable organization, they would pay no capital gains tax and can deduct the full value of the $70,000 gift. Therefore, Center for Safety & Changewould receive the full $70,000 in support.

Learn how your gift will be used:

donation spending pie chart

To learn more about how your gift will be used, read more about our work, our impact or view our financial information including our latest financial statements.


Email or call (845) 634-3391.

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