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Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking Prevention and Victim Services

Human trafficking occurs when someone exploits a person or people using force, fraud or coercion for the purposes of commercial sex or forced labor.

The Center for Safety & Change Human Trafficking Program is designed to provide advocacy, safety planning, crisis intervention, mentoring and counseling to adult and youth survivors and those at risk for human trafficking or commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC). Commercial Sexual Exploitation includes: pornographic images of a child, child sexual abuse, child labor, child sex trafficking, child sex tourism, and any video images of a child engaged in sexual activity in exchange for anything of value. Our CSEC High Risk program ensures that youth who have been trafficked or who are at high risk for commercial sexual exploitation are not criminalized, but are instead given a chance to heal with intensive crisis intervention services.

Adult services include advocacy, information, referrals, safety planning, counseling, criminal justice support and community linkages.

The Center for Safety & Change Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force is a coordinated community effort to focus on what the various systems within Rockland County can do collectively to combat human trafficking. The task force is focused on eliminating institutional barriers to victims and survivors getting the help that they need when they need it.

Our Mentoring Program is a way for youth to receive guidance and support from a stable and caring adult while they learn life skills.


Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Teens


Read about:

Where this can happen

What a trafficker looks like

Who can be victims

The Safe Harbor Law

Explotación Sexual Comercial de Niñas, Niños, Niñes y Adolescentes


Lea acerca de:

Dónde puede suceder esto

Cómo se ve un traficante

Quiénes pueden ser víctimas

La ley Puerto Seguro

adult human trafficking brochure covers in Spanish and English thumbnail images

Adult Human Trafficking


Read about:

What adult trafficking looks like

Who could be traffickers

Where it could happen

Why it happens

Combatiendo el Tráfico Ilegal de Personas


Lea acerca de:

Cómo es la trata de adultos

Quiénes podrían ser traficantes

Dónde podría suceder

Por qué sucede

thumbnail image showing preview of parents guide for human trafficking download

What Parents Should Know About Human Trafficking


Traffickers target all youth. However, they may look for increased vulnerabilities. Read about some of the things you can do to prevent it:

Guía Para Padres Proteja a sus hijos de la Trata de Personas


Los traficantes apuntan a todos los jóvenes. Sin embargo, pueden buscar mayores vulnerabilidades. Lea acerca de algunas de las cosas que puede hacer para prevenirlo:

Contact us to learn more about our organization’s human trafficking prevention services and victim assistance programs.

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