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Continuing the Conversation

on Racial and Gender Justice

Continuing Conversations on Racial and Gender Justice are facilitated by Center for Safety & Change staff, Nikki Hines, Director of Community Engagement & Social Change and Phyllis B. Frank, Chief Program Officer. The meetings are designed to deepen understanding of materials taught in the Getting to the Root and Undoing Racism workshops that have been provided in Rockland County for more than 25 years. All are welcome to join the conversations – workshop graduates, those who have not yet attended, educators, health and human service providers, criminal justice and law enforcement professionals, and all interested individuals from Rockland County and beyond. It is fine to drop in as your schedule allows. Consistent attendance is neither required nor expected.

Systemic racism exists, advantaging white people while disadvantaging those who are Black, Indigenous and People of Color. To get real and do something about it, we must be willing to talk. Stay involved. Be the change. Start today.

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